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Input Search Query

Input Search Query

Input JQL Query

The JQL Query is what governs the scope of the end visualisation, and as such is important to ensure you only query relevant tickets that you want included in the end result.

e.g. If you wanted to look for all stories in the ABC project that were resolved before 2019, your initial JQL query would be project = 'ABC' AND issuetype = story AND resolved < ‘2019/01/01’

Once that initial query has been completed, the app will then search for all the dependencies within that query. In this example, there may be 300 Jira issues returned, with 100 dependencies identified.

Or Select Jira Filter

Alternatively, select one of your existing Jira filters that you’ve saved using the dropdown and it will auto-populate the JQL Query field.

After you’ve input your query, a notification will tell you how many initial results were found (e.g. 125 results). When the ‘Get Data’ button is clicked the app will then find all descendants of those 125 results, and then all ancestors of those descendants for full traceability (i.e. top-down, then bottom-up).

Add JQL Subquery (Optional)

The ‘Add Subquery’ button is an optional filter that can be applied to further limit the results returned by the JQL query. This is to overcome the limitation of JQL which offers limited functionality to search for specific issue links.

e.g. Say you were the owner of a particular Project backlog, called ABC, and you wanted to look at all of the dependencies between your Project and that of another backlog, called DEF.

For your ‘Initial Search Query’ you might start with the JQL Query project=ABC , but this would return *all* of the issues that meet that criteria, including dependencies that don’t related to the DEF Project! And unfortunately JQL *doesn’t* allow us to search for a specific issue link type, like ‘issue link’ = ‘Blocks’

To get around this, we can use the ‘Input Search Subquery’ field to handle this for us, by allowing us to input a second JQL query that specifies *exactly* what should be included from the original query. In our example, if we have a search query of project=ABC and a subquery of project=ABC OR project=DEF, with the drop down set to Include, then we would only see the dependencies between the ABC and DEF projects like we originally wanted!

Alternatively, if there was a third project, say GHI, that we specifically wanted to *exclude* from the final result we could have a search query of project=ABC and a subquery of project=GHI, with the drop down set to Exclude. This would show all of Project ABC’s dependencies, except for any directed toward the GHI project. Neat!

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